
Dental Services

Now Offering

Anxiety Free Dentistry

Do you ever get nervous just thinking about going to the dentist? You might be worrying unnecessarily. With dentistry's many advances, diagnosis and treatment gets more sophisticated and comfortable all the time.

It's often best to share your anxiety. If you're tense or anxious, tell your dentist and the dental staff. Getting your concerns out in the open will let your dentist adapt the treatment to your needs.

Try to choose a time for your dental visit when you're less likely to be rushed or under pressure. For some people, that means a Saturday or an early-morning appointment.

If the sound of the drill bothers you, bring a portable audio player and headset so you can listen to your favorite music. During the dental visit you might try visualizing yourself relaxing on a warm beach.

These positive techniques work wonders for many. Try them on your next dental visit.

For anxiety-free dental work call (405) 732-2660 today!